The Sceptical Problem and the Attempt to Solve It Formally

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Яна Данаурова


The paper deals with one of the solutions of the WittgensteinKripke skeptical paradox. The paper gives a brief explanation of the paradox concerning the meanings of linguistic expressions and analyses its solution by means of mathematical induction proposed by V. A. Ladov. I show the vulnerability of such a solution connected with the notion of logical entailment and A. Tarski's ω-argument. Also, I raise some questions concerning the status of mathematics and the relation of mathematics with its language. The conclusion outlines two options for overcoming the ωargument in the context of the skeptical paradox.

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How to Cite
Данаурова, Я. (2022). The Sceptical Problem and the Attempt to Solve It Formally. Analytica, 7, 11—22.

How to Cite

Данаурова, Я. (2022). The Sceptical Problem and the Attempt to Solve It Formally. Analytica, 7, 11—22.