The Problem of the Pragmatic Justification of Beliefs

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Sergei Zhdanov


In this paper, I discuss the problem of whether beliefs can be justified pragmatically, i.e. by giving practical reasons to hold them. First, I consider two competing stances in contemporary epistemology, i.e. epistemological purism and epistemological pragmatism. Epistemological purism insists that only truth-related factors can justify beliefs, while epistemological pragmatism acknowledges that pragmatic factors can make the epistemic difference along with the truth-related ones.  Second, I present the argument for epistemic purism based on the distinction between attitude and content of belief. Given the arguments earlier in the paper, I conclude that epistemic purism is the more preferable stance to take than epistemological pragmatism.

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How to Cite
Zhdanov, S. (2022). The Problem of the Pragmatic Justification of Beliefs. Analytica, 6, 35–53.

How to Cite

Zhdanov, S. (2022). The Problem of the Pragmatic Justification of Beliefs. Analytica, 6, 35–53.